The Making of a Garment: All the Steps Necessary to Sew Your own Clothes

The Making of a Garment: All the Steps Necessary to Sew Your own Clothes

Have you ever thought about becoming a fashion designer? Or have you ever wondered how fashion designers turn their ideas into beautiful garments?Venturing into the fashion world takes a lot of creativity, patience, passion, time, energy, and research...
An Investment in Time: 5 Reasons Why you Should Start Sewing

An Investment in Time: 5 Reasons Why you Should Start Sewing

Sewing is a skill that you can use to make beautiful and unique items for yourself and your home. Sewing is not just a hobby; it is an incredibly useful and practical skill to have. Here are some of the reasons why you should start sewing today:
Discovering the right Cut: My Favorite Cutting Tools for Sewing Projects

Discovering the right Cut: My Favorite Cutting Tools for Sewing Projects

Sewing is an enjoyable craft that can be intimidating at first. One of the first skills needed is mastering the proper use of cutting tools. Knowing what each cutting device is used for and the best way to sharpen and maintain them will help you succeed in this craft...

The Essential Guide To Take Accurate Measurements for the Perfect Fit

The Essential Guide To Take Accurate Measurements for the Perfect Fit

step-by-step video guide on how you can take your own measurements accurately without any problems! Plus, if you’re ordering ready-to-wear clothing, you will need to select your size from the provided size chart. And that means you’ll need to know your measurements...